The Curriculum Intent at Our Lady’s
“Loving, Learning and Reaching Out to All”
Intent: For our children to fulfil their unique human potential, follow the Gospel values by loving, learning and reaching out to all.
Implementation: At Our Lady’s our curriculum is designed to fulfil the aims of our mission statement. As a Catholic Primary School, the gospel values are interwoven all aspects of school life. We believe that our individual pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is at the heart of their overall education and their ability to learn and achieve. We therefore aim to provide all pupils with positive, rewarding experiences through a planned and coherent curriculum that is founded upon our Christian values.
Intent: At Our Lady’s our curriculum is designed to be rich, ambitious and challenging ; one that is broad, balanced and relevant, fostering curiosity, creativity and a life-long love of learning.
Implementation: We follow the aims of the national curriculum;
The national curriculum provides pupils with an introduction to the essential knowledge they need to be educated citizens. It introduces pupils to the best that has been thought and said, and helps engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement. The national curriculum is just one element in the education of every child. There is time and space in the school day and in each week, term and year to range beyond the national curriculum specifications. The national curriculum provides an outline of core knowledge around which teachers can develop exciting and stimulating lessons to promote the development of pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills as part of the wider school curriculum.
Our curriculum is tailored to meet the needs and interests of our children, our community and context of our school, using a cross curricular approach, were appropriate. Our curriculum is carefully planned and sequenced to allow the development and progression of skills and the acquisition of knowledge in meaningful and relevant contexts. Subject leader’s long term plans detail the development of knowledge and skills in each subject area.
Intent: For our children to be aspirational and prepare our children well for each stage of education, employment or training and enable them, as educated citizens, to contribute to creating a better world.
Implementation: We strive to ensure our children have access to rich and varied life experiences in which they will have the motivation and confidence to go out into the wider world and fulfil their human potential. We challenge and overcome low aspirations and poverty of ambition through Careers Fairs and links with our community. There is a strong emphasis on using the curriculum to develop behaviours that would serve pupils well as they progress to the next stage of their learning and the world of work. Furthermore, we also endeavour to develop our children’s attitudes and mind sets towards the challenges they face within their learning, for example using Class Dojo ‘Power of Yet’ resources.
Intent: For our children to have a sound understanding of their heritage and have open hearts and minds to the diversity in their immediate community and the world beyond.
Implementation: In addition to the National Curriculum each year group covers elements of local studies. Our curriculum reflects the rich historical and geographical nature that Prescot and the wider Merseyside area holds. Children are encouraged to consider the role they play and how they can make positive contributions to the local and wider community, for example through supporting Food Banks and Mary’s Meals. Our Curriculum is enriched by educational visits both locally and further afield, including residential trips, welcoming visitors from all walks of life and close links with our two Parish Churches. Rich cultural experiences, such as the School’s Shakespeare Festival make learning ‘come alive’ for our children.
Intent: For our children to be healthy in body and in mind. To give children, who would otherwise not, the opportunity to participate in a range of sports and healthy activities.
Implementation: We have a full, rich and varied sports curriculum led by our Sports Practitioner which is enhanced by extra-curricular clubs and inter-school competitions. We encourage all children to learn, through sport, how to win graciously, lose with courage and never give up. We include wellbeing and PSHE opportunities in our curriculum for all children, for example the whole school take part in weekly Well Being Singing and Dancing Sessions. Opportunities throughout the whole curriculum are used to ensure the children develop a healthy image of themselves as individuals and to recognise the unique beauty in each and every individual as they were created by God.
Intent: For our children to appreciate experience and engage with all forms the arts. For children to develop the skills within music, design technology and art to enable them to access a world of possibilities that music and art can offer them both now and later in their lives.
Implementation: The Art, Design and Music National curriculum is enriched through a range of visits and visitors to school. The children have the opportunity to visit Art Galleries and have specialist teaching from staff from our local secondary schools. Each class studies different Artists and their work. Musical experiences include, whole class musical instrument tuition for example keyboards. We have close links with Knowsley Music services who provide induvial tuition in a range of instruments, such as guitar, violin and flute. They have many opportunities to perform for audiences throughout the year during music concerts, class assemblies and seasonal performances.
National Curriculum Requirements: