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Welcome to Reception’s homepage. 

Reception Teacher & Early Years Lead:  Mrs Jacobson

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Ormrod, Mrs Meaney, Mrs Jeffery

We share lots of information and learning with our parents through Class Dojo but please find some additional information below.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, we aim to create a place where children feel safe to explore, learn, be active, meet friends and challenge themselves. Research shows that children learn best through structured play, with skilled adults to talk to, think with and learn from.

Here at Our Lady’s, we value each child as an individual and aim to provide a balance of child initiated and adult led activities both indoors and outdoors. We use the children’s interests and core texts to engage the children and move their learning on, developing skills and knowledge along the way. 

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum which consists of the three Prime Areas of:

Personal and Social Development
Communication and Language
Physical Development

and the four Specific Areas of:

Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design

We also plan for and encourage the Characteristics of Effective Learning which are:

Playing and Exploring
Active Learning
Creating and Thinking Critically

We hold a welcome meeting in the summer term before you child starts their Reception journey. This meeting will provide you with more in depth information regarding our curriculum, routines, expectations and lots more. It is also and opportunity for you to ask any questions. 

If you need further information about the curriculum we offer here, please do not hesitate to contact one of our Early Years team.

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