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Year 5

Welcome to Year Five


Miss Scott, Mrs Connolly and Mx Anders

PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please come in to school wearing your full school PE Kit.

Swimming is Monday 20th January for 2 weeks (excluding Fridays).

Have a look at our yearly planner. It contains all the subjects for the Y5 curriculum


A small piece of English and Maths is set on a Thursday evening to be handed in on or before the following Wednesday.

Spellings are set on a Friday for the following Friday. Please make use of EdShed to learn them.

Children should be reading for 10 minutes at least 3 times per week. Don’t forget the children are rewarded after every 25 reads! It is such an important part of the curriculum.

Our recent trip to Kirkby Gallery for our local artist study and looking at the archives.



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