Mrs A. Sutton
Clerk to the Governors:
Mrs M. Rawsthorne
The Governors:
- maintain the Catholic ethos of the school
- appoint teaching and support staff
- promote good relationships with parents and the community
- set and monitor the school budget
- work with the Diocese to maintain and improve the school buildings
- ensure that the National Curriculum is provided to all children in the school
- decide certain school policies eg sex and relationships, special educational needs, behaviour and exclusions
The Headteacher of the school, in consultation with the Governors, is responsible for the internal organisation, management and discipline of the school. The Governors attend committee meetings once a term, followed by a meeting of the full Governing Body.
Register of Governor’s Business Interests
Under the County Council’s Financial Scheme, every governing body is required to establish and update a register of governors’ business interests. This means that governors and headteachers must register and declare business interests that might relate to their duties.
Mrs A Houghton Chair of Governors, Foundation (Finance, Personnel & Resources & Pastoral & Curriculum)- PSHE, Computing & Music focus
Mrs J Leather, Vice Chair, LA Governor (Finance, Personnel Resources)- HR and Finance focus
Mrs G Oulton Foundation (Finance and Personnel)- SEND, Safeguarding & English focus
Mr G Gillespie Staff Governor (Healthy and Safety, Finance and Resources)
Mrs J Leather LA Governor (Finance, Personnel Resources)- HR and Finance focus
Mrs A Iceton Foundation Governor (Finance, Personnel and Resources) – Humanities & School Council focus
Fr D Risley Foundation Governor (Pastoral and Curriculum) – R.E. & Art/DT focus
Mrs H Cibinda Ntale Foundation Governor (Finance and Personnel) – MFL focus
Mr M Reid – Foundation Governor (Pastoral and Curriculum) – PE and Online Safety focus
Mrs K Owens – Foundation Governor (Pastoral and Curriculum) – Maths focus