Year group overviews
Science in the early years is covered through the Understanding the World aspect of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and states that ‘children know about similarities and differences in relation to places, objects, materials and living things. They talk about the features of their own immediate environment and how environments might vary from one another. They make observations of animals and plants and explain why some things occur, and talk about changes.’ (EYFS 2014)
Science Curriculum Overview 2022 2023
Our Lady’s Catholic Primary Science Policy
Science week- Autumn 2022
This year, each class was provided with a curiosity box provided by the Edina Trust. Children had to use their science knowledge and skills to solve a problem.
What fun they all had!
Imagine That
Year 1 had a wonderful day out at Imagine That and had lots of opportunities to explore and investigate with all the hands-on activities on offer.
Microbe Week April 2022
Children learned more about viruses, bacteria and fungi during whole school Microbe Week.
KS2 science club- summer 2022
Here are a few home learning ideas for the school holidays.
Here’s something to keep you going for a month!
There are many excellent ideas on the internet to make teaching and learning of science fun and interesting. Here are just a few.
STEM have some great activities to do at home. Some examples include: designing a boat using playdough or kitchen foil and observing the phases of the moon over time.
The Primary Science Teaching Trust has created activities for children to have some fun with science using everyday, household resources. Check it out here:
TTS have brilliant free activity books to download for all primary age children. These include not just science, but activities across all subjects. Hours of fun and learning to be had here.
WOW SCIENCE have an abundance of activities, games, videos and experiments to keep children motivated and enthused by science.
And finally, there are some great activities in this little book of experiments. Have fun!
Science Week
Have a look at some of the wonderful activities that have taken place throughout our school for science week.
Nursery visited Chester Zoo to give the children first-hand experiences of animals that they could then talk about.
The children talked about the zoo animals that they had observed through playing ICT games centred on working out the zoo animals based on clues linked to adaptions.
The children also talked about the zoo animals that they had observed through small world play centred on zoo animals.
Year 2 visited Knowsley Safari Park.
They also investigated colour mixing.
…and finding out why it is important to not spread germs by testing how far a ‘sneeze’ can travel!
Mad Science Club
The children have really enjoyed participating in the Mad Science after school clubs.
Quantum Theatre- Tuesday 14th March 2017
The children enjoyed a wonderful performance from the Quantum Theatre today entitled ‘Bin Raider.’ This play delivered the message of recycling and reusing in order to protect our planet. The children loved it!
Look at the wonderful science learning taking place at home!
Home learning Spring term 2021
The Natural History Museum has a plethora of activities that children can immerse themselves in. These include films, articles and downloadable resources.
The Field Study Council is offering free live lessons throughout February with a focus on nature.
The James Dyson Foundation has lots of challenges to try at home, for example ‘spaghetti bridges’ and ‘balloon car races.’
Please find below the national curriculum programme of study and the topic order that each year group will cover this year. Practical science is embedded in our curriculum and the overview gives just one example for each unit.
science topics and investigation type 2020
Science vocabulary
Children will encounter many new words in science. Key vocabulary is displayed in each class and definitions discussed. Here is the key vocabulary children will learn in each year group.
KS1 Suggested Science Vocabulary (Year 1)
Working Scientifically
Question, find out, observe, describe, test, compare
Measure, length, height, mass/weight, time, temperature
Record, results, table, chart, pictograph, block graph, bar chart
Leaves, flowers, blossom, petals, fruit, roots, bulb, seed, trunk, branches, stem
Names of plants in their local environment for example Grass, Clover, Daisy, Buttercup, Dandelion, Oak, Holly, Daffodil, Tulip etc. and plants they grow to eat such as lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, radish, herb etc.
Animals including humans
Fish, amphibian, reptile, bird, mammal
Common names of Fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals including pets and those found in the local environment
Common structure of animals including humans including : Head, face, ears, hair, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, cheek, chin, neck ,body, arms, hands, fingers, paws, fins, wings, legs, feet, toes, tail, skin, scales, fur, feathers
Herbivore, carnivore, omnivore
See, look, hear, listen, touch, feel, taste, smell
Everyday materials
Wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, rock, brick, paper, card, rubber, fur, fleece, cotton, wool, polyester, cotton wool.
Names of common objects made from these materials e.g. door, building block, window, pencil sharpener, teddy etc
Soft, hard, rough, smooth, stretchy, stiff, shiny, dull, rough, smooth, flexible, waterproof, absorbent, opaque, transparent, translucent
Seasonal Changes
Spring, summer, autumn, winter
Day, night, light, dark, sunrise, sunset
Sun, rain, snow, hail, precipitation, wind, cloud, cloud cover
Deciduous, evergreen tree
KS1 Suggested Science Vocabulary (Year 2)
Working Scientifically
Question, find out, observe, describe, test, compare
Measure, length, height, mass/weight, time, temperature
Record, results, table, chart, pictograph, block graph, bar chart
Living things and their habitats
Living, dead, non-living
Habitat, micro habitat, food chain
Field, Hedgerow, pond, woodland, seashore, ocean, rainforest, arctic, desert,
Air, food, water, shelter, heat, warmth, sun
Seeds, bulbs, grow, healthy, water, light, temperature, soil, nutrients
Leaves, flowers, blossom, petals, fruit, roots, trunk, branches, stem
Names of plants in their local environment for example grass, Clover, Daisy, Buttercup, Dandelion, Oak, Holly, Daffodil, Tulip etc. and plants they grow to eat such as lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, radish, herb etc.
Animals including humans
Reproduce, offspring, grow, adults (Fish, amphibian, reptile, bird, mammal, humans)
Survival, water, food, air, shelter
Exercise, fit, healthy, food, fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, pulses, beans, milk, cheese, bread, pasta, rice, butter, vegetable oil, olive oil
Common names of Fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals including pets and those found in the local environment
Common structure of animals including humans including : Head, face, ears, hair, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, cheek, chin, neck ,body, arms, hands, fingers, paws, fins, wings, legs, feet, toes, tail, skin, scales, fur, feathers
Herbivore, carnivore, omnivore
Uses of Everyday materials
Wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, rock, brick, paper, card, rubber, fur, fleece, cotton, wool, polyester, cotton wool.
Words to describe why certain materials are suitable for particular uses e.g. soft, hard, rough, smooth, stretchy, stiff, shiny, dull, rough, smooth, flexible, waterproof, absorbent, opaque, transparent, translucent
Squash, bend, twist, stretch
LKS2 Suggested Science Vocabulary (Year 3)
Working Scientifically
Question, find out, observe, describe, test, compare, explain, accurate, predict
Measure, length, height, mass/weight, time, temperature, tape measure, thermometer, data logger
Record, results, table, chart, pictograph, block graph, bar chart
Leaves, flowers, blossom, petals, fruit, roots, bulb, seed, trunk, branches, stem, stigma, style, anther
Air, light, water, nutrients, soil, transport, seed, seedling, bulb, compost, decay, die, fruit, moisture, ovary ovule
Pollen, pollination, seed formation, dispersal, reproduce
Animals including humans
Humans, food, feeding, balanced, diet ,meat, fish, eggs, nuts, pulses, beans, cereal, fruit, vegetables, dairy products milk , cheese, butter, potatoes , bread, rice, pasta, vitamins, minerals
Fish, amphibian, reptile, bird, mammal
Skeleton, skull, ribs, spine (backbone), joints, support, muscles,
Rocks, granite, limestone, sandstone, fossil, soil, sandy, peat, decay, compost
Soft, hard, rough, smooth, stiff, shiny, dull, rough, waterproof, absorbent, opaque, transparent, translucent, texture
See, eyes, light, dark, absence
Light sources, Sun, dangerous, lamp, flame, torch, light bulb,
Day, night, light, dark, dim, sunrise, sunset, dusk
Reflect, reflection, reflected, shadows, size, shape, pattern
Forces and magnets
Force, contact, non-contact
Move, surface, material, carpet, tiles, wood, lino, bubble wrap, sandpaper, fleece, polythene, towel
Magnet, magnetic, magnetic field, bar, horseshoe, ring, strength, strong, weak, metal, coated,
Attract, repel, poles, north, south
LKS2 Suggested Science Vocabulary (Year 4)
Working Scientifically
Question, find out, observe, describe, test, compare, explain, accurate, predict
Measure, length, height, mass/weight, time, temperature, tape measure, thermometer, data logger
Record, results, table, chart, pictograph, block graph, bar chart, line graph.
Living things in their habitats
Classify, classification, animal, vertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, invertebrates, snails, slugs, worms, spiders, insects, flowering plants, non-flowering plants, ferns, mosses, fungi.
Environment, habitat, micro habitat, adaption, human impact, ecological, ecosystem, nature reserves, parks, ponds, pollution, litter, deforestation, field, hedgerow, pond, woodland, seashore, ocean, rainforest, arctic, desert, nest, burrow, air, food, water, shelter, heat, warmth, sun, camouflage.
Animals including humans
Digestion, mouth, teeth, tongue, saliva, oesophagus, stomach, gastric juices, enzyme, small intestine, bile, pancreatic juice, large intestine, rectum.
Incisors, cut, slice, canines, grip, pierce, premolars, molars, crush, grind, dental, dentist, disclosing tablets.
Food chain, producers, predators, prey, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore.
States of matter
Solids, liquids, gases
Change state melt, freeze, heated, cooled, temperature, Celsius, chocolate, butter, ice, water, steam, water vapour,
Water cycle, evaporation, condensation, rate, precipitation, rain, rain fall, snow, sleet.
Sound, sources, vibrating, medium, ear, eardrum, instruments, pitch, high, low, volume, loudness, loud, soft, quiet, insulation, sound proof, distance, fainter.
Electrical appliances, mains, battery, television, computer, tablet, mobile phone, light, lamp, cooker, microwave, toaster, radio.
Component, bulb, buzzer, battery, cell, wire, motor, switch, open, closes, circuit, series, complete loop, bright, brightness, current
Electrical insulator, plastic, fabric, electrical conductor, metals, water
UKS2 Suggested Science Vocabulary (Year 5)
Working Scientifically
Question, find out, observe, describe, test, compare, explain, accurate, predict
Measure, length, height, mass/weight, time, temperature, tape measure, thermometer, data logger
Record, results, table, chart, pictograph, block graph, bar chart, line graph, reliable, variables, valid, explain
Living things in their habitats
Life cycle, reproduction, asexual, sexual, animal, vertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, invertebrates, insect , babies, young, grow, adult, egg, caterpillar, larva, chrysalis, pupa, head, abdomen, thorax, wings, fur, feathers, scales, plants, seeds, stem, root cuttings, tubers, bulbs, pollen, Leaves, flowers, blossom, petals, fruit, roots, bulb, seed, trunk, branches, stem, stigma, style, anther, ovary, ovule, seed formation, seed dispersal
Animals including humans
Humans, gestation, baby, child, teenager, adult, geriatric, puberty, hormones, muscles, testicles, pubic hair, voice , acne, breasts, hips, period, ovulation
Properties and changes of materials
Soft, hard, rough, smooth, stiff, shiny, dull, rough, waterproof, absorbent, opaque, transparent, translucent, texture, conduct, insulate, electrical, thermal, magnetic.
Solids, liquids, gases, dissolve, solution, substance, separated, filtering, sieving, evaporating, reversible, irreversible state, burning, oxygen, acid, bicarbonate of soda, carbon di oxide
Change state melt, melting, freeze, heated, cooled, temperature, Celsius, chocolate, butter, ice, water, steam, water vapour, water cycle, evaporation, condensation, rate, precipitation, rain, rain fall, snow, sleet..
Earth and space
Day, night, light, dark, dim, sunrise, sunset, dusk, Earth, moon, moons, reflect, sun, star, spherical, rotation, Earth’s axis, solar system, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune ( Pluto as a dwarf planet), shadow clock, sundials, astronomical clock
Forces and magnets
Force, contact, non-contact, gravity, falling, friction, air resistance, water resistance, newton, force metre, drag, levers, pulleys, gears. Move, surface, material, carpet, tiles, wood, lino, bubble wrap, sandpaper, fleece, polythene, towel
UKS2 Suggested Science Vocabulary (Year 6)
Working Scientifically
Question, find out, observe, describe, test, compare, explain, accurate, predict
Measure, length, height, mass/weight, time, temperature, tape measure, thermometer, data logger
Record, results, table, chart, pictograph, block graph, bar chart, line graph, reliable, variables, valid, explain
Living things in their habitats
vertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, invertebrates, insects, spiders, snails, worms, head, abdomen, thorax, wings, fur, feathers, scales, plants, micro-organisms, kingdom, species
Animals including humans
Blood, heart, heart rate, circulation, oxygen, lungs, veins, arteries, cells, pulse rate, healthy diet, exercise, drugs, nutrients, water
Evolution and inheritance
Fossils, evolution, evolve, inherit, inheritance, offspring, vary, variation, species, adapted, environment, climate, habitat, suited
See, eyes, light, straight lines, reflect, reflected, reflection, light sources, shadows, size, shape, pattern, mirrors, (possibly extend to include rainbows, colour, colour filters, water, refraction)
Component, bulb, buzzer, battery, cell, wire, motor, switch, open, closes, circuit, series, complete loop, bright, brightness, current, volume, volts, voltage, symbols, circuit diagram